Smart thinking in a complex and fast-changing world
Octopus Adaptive is a unique source of expert insights, applying sound structured thinking to current and future complexity.

Why the Octopus?

The life of the octopus has all ways been uncertain. They have to adapt to every environment at every moment to survive.

Adaptive Intelligence provides a careful mix of current street-smarts with traditional logical thought. This means it is ideal for all types of people, from managers and leaders to the everyday switched-on individual.

Octopus Adaptive applies simplicity and logic to contemporary uncertainty for smart change and quick wins, mirroring the octopus’ tenacity and adaptability.

We provide expert insights into how leaders, managers, organisations and all of us can adapt to succeed in this complex and uncertain age.


Applying years of experience to futurist insights, we guide leaders through deliberate thinking for a fast-changing world.


The growth of hybrid-working teams means that Managers now require new skills to achieve their outcomes. We explain and educate these topics, including advice on how to optimise a hybrid world and being the change driver if not the change manager.

Change Professionals

Whether in-house or as contractors, the change role is increasingly about providing executive advice, education, mentoring and coaching. A change project should focus on creating adaptive capability and while evolving business capability at each stage of corporate development.

All of us

In an age of ever-changing technology, client, economics and wellbeing, all human beings need to be adaptable to survive. We can learn to apply resilience and open-mindedness for success.

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About Mal Anderson

Mal Anderson is a highly experienced futurist, change strategist, coach, author and advisor, facilitating leaders to optimise outcomes – through strategy, culture and change.

With a strong track record in delivering sustainable organisational outcomes, stakeholder engagement and project troubleshooting, Mal’s career spans multi-sector experience in Defence and Security, Telecoms, Finance, Energy, Pharma, Health, Science and Education, Federal and State Government.